
Showing posts from January, 2018

Blog #1: Chapter 6- Building Your Connected Learning Community

After reading chapter six, I agree with and have found many mentions that are relatable to anyone of any age. On page 92, it states, "Personal learning networks help you leverage deeper connections and relationships, and from those networked relationships, you grow a community of connected learners and leaders." When I read this, it reminded me of my dance team and community. In order to grow as a dancer and as a person, you learn from your teachers and you learn from your students. You build personal relationships with these people over time and you end up with a community who comes together for one thing they love to do while learning something new every time the do it. On the same page, it states, "It's tempting and easy to allow online spaces like Twitter, Flickr, and other social networks to become one big link sharing party." I agree with this since a lot of communication within big groups are in a group chat or Facebook. Although shari...