
Web 2.0 Tool Smackdown: Quizlet

The Web 2.0 Tool that I chose was Quizlet. Quizlet is such a helpful tool for students, not only in college, but for all grades because it is basically an online flashcard website. People tend to spend more time on their phone or computer so it is more modern tool to use. Not only can you create your own card deck, you can also share or use other people's materials to study and practice. Other uses are spelling practice and learning games. This is not only used among students, but also teachers which is great because this is a way to connect with their students and others as well. Quizlet

Social Media Etiquette Project

Social Media Etiquette Project  - Amanda Bynes

Digital Storytelling

The storytelling tools I used was ! Storybird Pixton ZimmerTwins

Blog #5: Chapter 7- Sustaining the Momentum

In chapter seven, the first thing that was talked about was how hard creating initial momentum is for forming a connected learning community. “Appreciative inquiry and action research are two strategies that will help engage network participants and keep them involved to sustain the change” (Nussbaum-Beach 110). Exactly like the quote suggests, appreciative inquiry is used to support knowledge and transformation in communities. In this way, rather than searching for problems to resolve, people create a different thinking method. This can relate to me because in my future career as an occupational therapist, I will have to think about and question different perspectives of healing.             The second part of the quote is about action research. Action research is a more physical activity among collaborators discovering solutions to everyday, real problems. “Action research is learning by doing; it allows practitioners to e...

Blog #4: Chapter 4- Building a Collaborative Culture

In chapter four, there's a bit that describes relationships. I believe that relationships are a powerful thing. A lot of people nowadays are vocal about not being so fond of small talk. It is with small talk though, that you learn the basic information about one another and continue to develop a meaningful conversation from there. "The secret to creating deep and trusting relationships is providing opportunities to share. ...Relationships that mature over time through every day sharing and participation establish trust," (Nussbaum-Beach 60). This relates to my career because there will be a doctor-patient relationship that will surface. When a new patient comes in, I cannot go right into treatment and do exercises that I do with everyone else just like how for meeting strangers, you do not immediately ask them personal questions without even knowing the basics. I would have to discuss with the patient about what happened, what hurts, for how long, and what daily activi...

Good/Bad Website Smackdown

The two examples of websites are good/bad that I used are water brands, Aquafina and Poland Spring. Aquafina essentially has the same look on a phone as it does when you would log on to the computer. Although Poland Spring does, as well, Aquafina is more minimalistic than the latter. Aquafina’s website design is more simple while Poland Spring’s home page is already three scrolls long. Aquafina provides classic typography and maintains the blue and white color scheme well without being overwhelming. Pictures appear in a “fade-in” and “pop in” effect, which create a unique way of displaying their images. As if Poland Spring’s page wasn’t long enough, when you click on the menu, it lists a whole long list of topics to click on. Although this may be helpful on what someone specifically might be looking for, it is pretty lengthy and intense. There are pictures present in every topic; however, their text constantly overpowers everything on their page.

Blog #3: Chapter 5- Using Tools to Support Connected Learning

In chapter five, it briefly talks about weblogs- also and shortly known as blogs. Blogs are the first thing I picture in my head when I think of online learning communities. I think it is because I find it the most efficient way to write about and keep track of your research. Blogs are used for several different reasons such as entertainment (pictures and videos), therapy (venting and ranting), and more. They can be designed in countless ways, but are essentially set up as posts with dates and times stamped on them. They are beneficial because not only can you write or read them, but others can post comments and give their feedback. That is how conversations are started and experiences are shared. This can probably work out in my goal occupation as an occupational therapist because I can learn different ways to treat patients or even talk to patients about exercises and more. "Your ideas and experiences with learning, leading, and teaching may significantly contribute to a m...