Blog #4: Chapter 4- Building a Collaborative Culture
In chapter four, there's a bit that describes relationships. I believe that relationships are a powerful thing. A lot of people nowadays are vocal about not being so fond of small talk. It is with small talk though, that you learn the basic information about one another and continue to develop a meaningful conversation from there. "The secret to creating deep and trusting relationships is providing opportunities to share. ...Relationships that mature over time through every day sharing and participation establish trust," (Nussbaum-Beach 60). This relates to my career because there will be a doctor-patient relationship that will surface. When a new patient comes in, I cannot go right into treatment and do exercises that I do with everyone else just like how for meeting strangers, you do not immediately ask them personal questions without even knowing the basics. I would have to discuss with the patient about what happened, what hurts, for how long, and what daily activi...